If interested ina master thesiswith themain topicin the fieldof Soil Science, please contact me personally.
Here are some suggestions, primarily considering issues for literary studies with historical-scientific and socio-cultural aspects of soil science (working titles):
- Role of soils and soil degradation in the development of early human civilizations
- "International Year of soils 2015" - Critical review and evaluation of the success in terms of public awareness of soils
- The role of soil in our perception of the environment - changes in the period 1970-2015
- The importance of soil nature trails as part of environmental education – an empirical study
- The role of soils in the national greenhouse gas inventories and reporting
- The development of knowledge about soils into an independent soil science during the 18th and 19th centuries
- The knowledge and understanding of the term "humus" from the early 17th century until today – ancient and modern humus theories
- The development of soil knowledge between the two poles of holistic nature philosophy and deductive natural sciences
- The designation of soils in the languages of the world – names, meaning and origins
- The human factor in soil formation – global soil changes in the anthropocene
- The value of soil and soil use in the world's religions and mythologies